Thursday 15 February 2007

Thursday, back to blerk.

Alpha Centauri is a star, several light years away from here. On one of the planets currently orbiting this distant celestial body, is a small plank of wood. On this plank, there is a tiny speck of dust. Really, it ought to be tidied up. Do you really think that ignorance is bliss? Don't you have a duty to do something about it? If you feel you don't, perhaps you could use the same logic to absent yourself from certain other apparent obligations. You are taking on more responsibility than you need to.

Thank you Jonathan Cainer. One of the finest astrologers their are.

It's also retrograde mercury time, one of three periods a year in which it appears to move backwards through the sky. Although that's just because the Earth is overtaking it round the sun. On some such like that. I don't quite understand the clockwork mechanics of it all.

It's supposed to be the time that communications tend not to go to erm, not too good-ish.

It's also the time of year that I hate the most, I've had some bad retrograde motions in the past. But they were the past. This is very much the present. The past is gone and I really don't have that much interest in my own immediate past to be honest.

what's gone is gone and that's where it should stay. Good.

So I look to the future, whilst a retrogarde motion is happening, that I used to fear to heck. I rarely had good ones.
although I read that they are also times to sit back and reflect, not just trundle along without thought.

So, while I don't have to take on that much responsibility, I'm going to have five. Just to consider my life as it is now. To look at the plan I've set in mind and maybe allow it a little bit more fluidity.

To not rush the day, well, not too much, I don't want to sit at work forever.

Anyway, before I go, I just phoned the doctors, to check about my ear syringing appointment. Guess what? Go on, you'll never guess in a million years.

Their door buzzer was broken.

Now I could have handled that situation differently yesterday. I could have phoned them up. I probably should have in retrospect, although I'm not the smartest of guys on planet Earth.

Oh flippity. I nearly did it again.

I have made another appointment. I also forgot that I change work places and more importantly work TIMES. Which, I did not take into account whilst I was just talking to the lady.

She said "Tuesday 27th at 9:30am." I said "fine".

It then occured to me that I will start work at 6am.


However, I then also remembered that my day off, thank the divine, that my day off, is Tuesday.


Someone up there is looking out for me I tell you.

There are times that I really am a dozy idiot.

Anyway, I've got 45 minutes and I need to shower and get ready for blerk.

I can not wait to start earlier and finish earlier. I can not wait! 8 working days to go. Or rather, 8 days and four hours. I'm doing a little sunday work as well. We're having a stock count.

Anyway, enough rambles.

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