Wednesday 14 February 2007


It is buckets out there. Loads of the wet stuff.

I'm getting my ear syringed today. Will it finally be the end to the ringing in my ears? I hope so. I'm also aware that mercury is starting its retrograde phase again. Very little goes well for me when it's retrograde. Although, that's a very negative way to look at it. I should probably dig around for that silver lining, or should that be look up for a silver lining. As clouds are up there and not underground...


It's also very hard to give an impartial view when you hold an emotional investment in something. Today would be valentines day. What am I doing on valentines day? Not much. Sitting in away from the rain. With soon to have a clear ear, he hopes. In about 50 minutes in fact. Can't wait...

Anyway, my heart is all over the plave this morn and my head is all up the clappers. So I'm twoddling off. I look forward to my days off, but I really have nothing in my life at the moment to engage me.

I'm left feeling lackluster and gusted.

Tomorrow will be different, whatever happens...

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