Monday 12 February 2007


Do I have to go in today? Yes.

Do I really want to go in today? No.

Will I be going in today? Yes.

I'm really not in the mood, I'd rather be doing something else. I'm looking forward to Wednesday, the day that I'm also getting my ear syringed. At long last. So the ringing in my ear should finally go away. It's been there so long now I wonder if it will go away? Although, thankfully, I've long gotten over it being there. As most of the day, when I'm busy, or my attention goes elsewhere, I don't hear it at all.

I've gained something valuable. So it's all good on that count this week.

Also Hot Fuzz is coming out on Wednesday. But I'll be seeing it on Sunday with my mate.

I cannot wait. If you loved Spaced or Shaun of the Dead it'll probably be right up your alley.

So pleased they've done another. Can't wait.

Lets habe, even haVe a horoscope, silly typing fingers, from Jonathan Cainer. My favourite astrologer.

Suppose you really love someone - and they really love you. Suppose you send each other a Valentine's card but they arrive late. Is it the end of the relationship? Is it even a sign that there is something wrong? What if you don't even acknowledge February the 14th at all? Will that change the way you feel about each other? Now, let's turn it around. What difference can the date do if there is no feeling in the heart? In love and in all things this week, ignore protocol and prioritise passion.

Right. I like that. I hate protocols, I hate rules, not the natural rules of life, but those artificial ones thought out by some bloke in a tweed jacket. Meh.

Natural ones are fine, it rains, you get wet, you'll probably be cold. S you need to get warm. Those rules, no trouble with what so ever.

Human made rules. Bleh.

I've gotta work and I wont be sitting back here until gone 10pm tonight and I'll be leaving here at 11:30am

The sooner I'm closer to home the better and after today, that's one less day.

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