Monday 28 May 2007

The Xbox 360.

I'm English, if I spend most of my time doing anything on a cold wet windy day. It's playing on my lovely Xbox 360. Pretty much like any 30-ish year old male in England would do.
Yes, when the weather is absolute pants and I'm stuck for something to do, the xbox is a saving grace. It really really is.

I love my xbox, why just this morning I was thrashing the pants off of several Americans during a first person shooter. The name of which I can't remember. It's not important. I was having a grand old time unleashing hordes of death to my cousins across the pond.

In fact I'm really looking forward to joining forces with my mate in Ireland and wrecking some havoc in a virtual world at some point in the near future.

So, onto my conversational topic of the moment.

My Xbox 360 just upped and topped itself.

I was in the middle of playing the demo for Splinter cell and I reached a critical checkpoint.

The console froze.

So I waited...

... and waited...

... and waited...


I turned it off and turned it back on. Oh dear, I thought to myself noticing that the circle of light was now a doomly red colour. I knew instinctivly that something was horribly horribly wrong. We English 30 something males have that ability. Having been born around the time of the first immerging consoles.

It's in our blood.

So, I sit upstairs now. In my very cold room, wearing more clothes than I care to. Smelling like a yaks arse having not washed since Saturday (Thank you burst heating pipe). Needing very much to do something with my time on this somewhat shabby dull depressingly cold and bleak day.

I knew when I got my xbox, that that little sound, that tiny little "eeh eek" sound it made on occasion was a horrible portent of things to come.

I knew it.

In fact, it's quite probably karma, I did after all kill my original xbox and leave it in Italy. Perhaps it's spirit was out for revenge. If so, boy has it got it.

Cold, bored and smelly. That sums me up right now.


I'll have to get it to the repair guys...

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