Monday 28 May 2007

The weather.

I'm English, if I spend my time speaking about anything, ever, it's about the weather. Much like any English person.

When I'm stuck for conversation, I talk about the weather.

It's the basis for pretty much any conversation starter in this country. It'll get a mention at some point during a chin wag.

So, on to my conversational piece for today.

The heatings bust. A heating pipe burst, one of the main pipes gthat feed our estate in little ol' London town.
I found out before anyone else did. I even got to use the very last of the "hot" water when I showed at 5:15am before going to work.

Guess when it decided to burst. On a warm bright sunny day, Fabulous. No trouble I thought.

The very next day. Cold, wet and windy. As it's been and remained for the last few days. Just when some heating would have been welcomed in this now very cold house.

Meh. I also need a shower. Meh. I'll brave it later...


Xolo said...

I'll trade places with you. It is hot and sticky this side of the pond.

I just wilt in this type of weather and I accomplish even less than I normally do.

Red Robin. said...

I'll take that offer Xolo!

I'll start packing my shorts and frisbee. Yay!