Tuesday 29 May 2007


Nobody needs to tell you, but you know. Suddenly, something changes and you just know that A will lead to B.

Like me now. Very bored. Xbox broke and there ain't flip all to do around this place. I feel like I've lost my mojo. Yeah baby.
I'm not saying that the xbox is my mojo, I just have little else to well up from the depths of my life at the moment.

I've given myself two years of making dosh, then I'm allowed to run amuck on planet Earth. Two years... a long time to do a 2 to 6am job. Wonder what next?

I'm very much aware that my life is going to change in big ways in the near future. Not the kind of from me changes, but rather those inevitable changes from life external. I will have to adapt. I will have to work. I will need to make money. Have a direction and purpose, something I want. 'Want' being very important, without that, you're just kinda wafting.

I'm stagnant water at the moment, I even smell a bit like stagnant water at the moment. Still no hot water, although I did wash down my smellier bits this morning before I headed out into the outside world that is London Town.

Oh yeah, no sooner had I mentioned that the weather was nice in my post this morning than the sky opened up and poured like you'd never seen before. There was also hail. I had my clothes on, shoes and bag at the ready and looked out the window. Bleurgh!

So I had to wait till that let up. I have no rain coat or brolly. I should at least buy a brolly.

Blimey I'm bored. I'm looking forward to a few days in Eire with me mate. He's actually here at the moment, he's not called, he said he would, but then he always says that. Such are his idiosyncrasies.


What to do with my body? Something constructive I think...


SpringMist said...

I know wht u mean. I kinda feel my life is stagnating right now too. Not moving forward my stupid life!
Cheer up mate!

Red Robin. said...

It's all good.

It's just the nature of the time, thankfully nothing lasts forever...