I have to say that snow melts pretty quick in London. Pretty quick indeed and for various reasons. I wasn't able to get out again with the camera.
So I only have a few shots. Although we may be in for more snow.
Sorry Andrew and snow lovers.
Anyway, I'd finished my day and was confronted by the usual shambles of the London underground. Namely delays. Delays and more delays. Apparently the trains don't like soft white fluffy stuff called snow. It tends to break them. We don't make very sturdy trains in this country, you know, leaves on the line stop 'em running. So, I was sat on the train studying Chinese, as it's pretty much the only constructive thing I can do with the hour+ it takes me to get to work and back again.
I noted four people coming on, a couple of guys holding beer cans and a lady, who turned out to be from spain, and a guy from France with luggage. They were chatting about travelling and stuff.
Which is right up my alley, so I was busy being nosey and the English guy with beer now sitting across the way from me says "English people are narrow minded, they don't study other languages."
To which I sat there, staring into my Chinese book, full of Chinese writing and wondering if I should wave it under his nose. I resisted the urge. I was tired and cold. So I kept quiet about it.
"I don't know how you have the courage to travel to other countries, I couldn't do it." He added. I then thought back to my first day in China and remembered that that was bloody hard. I took heart in that, at least I have the courage to strive for more than the status quo. A feather in my cap.
How I wanted to talk about my experiences. Quiet I remained. I suppose, in reality, or whatever, that none of that really matters. All is equally different and therefore equal. So, experience, gain loss, it all depends on you and your point of view. Nothing is said of everything, and everything is said of nothing.
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