Saturday 10 February 2007

99th post.

9 being the incorruptible number.

Saturday, which used to mean no work. Now means work. Meh.
It's raining today, it's not snowing again as promissed, but if I lived out of london, it would probably much cooler and therefore snow.

Not for this city guy though.

I feel tired this morning, I just want a day off, in fact I find myself working for the sake of that one day off. I suppose that I want a little stability and familiarity. All the recent changes to life within the last couple of months have taken a bit of getting used to. I have a few more changes to deal with, I'll also have to go through the process of building up familiarity again with my soon to be new work collaegues.

I sometimes walk down the stairs and want to be at my destination instantly without the fuss of moving my body through space and time. I think that's how bad it's become.

It's probably living in this city again. I'm not sure I relish the moment anymore.
It takes time to achieve anything fantastic. A good pot of tea takes a little time. A good friendship can take years, I'm pleased to say I have a few of those now that I am midway to 60 years on this planet. Plants take time to grow, the planet takes time.

E v e r y l i t t l e t h i n g t a k e s t i m e. Like typing words out, creating sentences.

I suppose it's creating order or arriving at a certain finished state of being. Whatever it may be, from whatever thing it may be from.

When I pick up my bedding from the floor in the morning and move it out of the way so I can put my chair down to sit at my desk and write on the blog.

Just another moment, another brick, another action, to what? To ultimately where, I have no idea.

But I know that most things that are good take time to achieve. So, time time time.

A long long time.

I need to meditiate more, or rather that should be, again. Relax myself a bit and take it all one piece at a time.

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