Sunday 6 May 2007

And just like that, it's all a memory again.

It was so nice to have her here. So very nice.

Now, right now, it's such a tear. She is no longer here.
I will probably get to spend one more day with her while in England and that will be that.
She's back on a coach up North again and I wont really get to enjoy a lady like I've been able to, for who knows how long.

The only reminder I'm getting of her now is her hairs that fell out whilst she was combing her hair. I know they can't be anything to do with me, because I'm as bald as a snooker ball.

I just want to go rrrrr and shake myself free of it.

I wish my life was anything other than 'bleurgh' at the moment.
I have to work tomorrow. 12 till 6:45pm. ppfffftt. At least I get a lay in.

Anyway, I'll try to look on the positive side. I'll have a good night's sleep and probably feel better tomorrow.

Night all.

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