Tuesday 9 January 2007

Thank you Pipe Tobacco.

I have sent your gmail invite. I hope it gets to you.
I still have my camera and I should be getting some new pictures up here soon. Especially of my brothers dog, who is now staying with us for a while.

Anyway, back to my post at hand.


I really really wish I had not had looked at my emails today. I found out that the impro group I was a part of will be doing several shows over the coming months. The first of which I probably will not be able to take part in. The second of which, I probably wont be able to take part in either.

This exact same thing happened before. I participated in all the group get togethers, did all the practice and workshops, it came to an actual performance in front of an audience and something got in the flippin way. Same as now.

I feel URGH. Tere are no words. Just, URGGGHHH! Damn it. Flip flippity.

It must be fate standing in the way. Someone up there has other plans I'm sure. I really wanted to be a part of this, but it doesn't look like it will be happening for me now this year either.

I'm so angry and just plain bomed out. I haven't been with the group now for a couple of months, so I'm out of practice and out of the loop. Hopefully, I'll get my day off thursday next week, I'll be able to pop in for a visit and talk to the man in charge to see what's happening.


God, I really hate the way things work out sometimes.

Work has to come first, I can't just up end this job for that either. Even asking for a transfer closer to home probably wont happen in time. It would be required to have a vacancy where I want to work.

Man. Why oh why did I open that box. Now I've got a day off tomorrow to do flip all, with myself.

This is a poopy start to the new year. Darn. Another reason I hate work. It gets in the way of other things.

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