Friday 12 January 2007

Slowly slowly easy monkey.

I am pretty hairy and could be described as monkey like. I am trying to take it easier and to work at my life without having some sort of idea as to how it is supposed to happen concerning future plans and more importantly, when it is supposed to happen.

Life works that for itself.

I've also realised that I don't have to ask the big wigs for a transfer, I can probably check it out via the website. So come another morning, when I'm conscious sooner, I'll do that.
I've reached the point now where I don't go to sleep until about 2 to 3 am and I don't wake until 9:30am. I like my sleepy time, I also like my morning time. I enjoy late nights, but only if the stars are out and I'm lying out in the middle of nowhere in a tent.

I haven't seen that comet that's passing by us yet. Living in London, such things are hard to see, unless you life at the top of some really high building with panoramic views.

So I content myself with pictures I find on the Internet.

I hate waking up late, I hate going to bed late and I really hate working late. Just to chuck that in there. I'm definitely an early bird.

I've got 30 minutes to get showered, brush teeth, be dressed and down the road to make it on time for work.

Sigh... I wish I was a rich man. I'd rather live with the rich mans troubles than any others any day of the week.

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