Monday 2 April 2007

I don't believe it!

Who watched "One foot in the grave"?

Loads of people this side of the pond. Guess who served himself off the show. Yep. Me.

I looked up and thought, I recognise that face, nah, can't be, then he walked on over put his basket down and sure enough. It was Richard Wilson.

I had to bite my lip not to say "I don't believe it!" I merely enquired as to how he were. To which he replied, "very well thank you."

Very friendly man. If I see him again in the shop I might well say "I don't believe it!"
He'd probably have a laugh, nothing like the response Father Ted got.

Anyway, back to life or rather, my horoscope. From Jonathan Cainer.

"Are you happy with what you can see? If so, keep looking, you will only find more to appreciate. If not, look even more closely. There is something you have so far failed to spot. Understandably enough, you are starting to have profound reactions to intense developments. You are beginning to feel uncomfortable about parts of the past. Yet this is all immensely positive - part of a process that can only lead to greater power, strength and success. You have made no mistake."

Pretty much spot on. Although I'm more the have to look harder sort in this one. So I will. Which means I'd better get on with a couple of things right now.

I don't believe it!

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