Thursday 5 April 2007

Nearly nearly.

A day lays between me and the new Transformers movie. I can hardly contain my wee self. I've been waiting for this film since I was a young one with the toys.
I remember sitting down in front of the tv watching the opening credits. "More than meets the eye".

It really was.

I wonder how many other late 20 early thirty somethings will be going to see this film... Probably quite a few.

Hopefully it'll live up to all expectations. Hopefully...

Anyway. Do you ever wonder why you do something? Why you said "yes, I'll do that" When in reason you can find none. You're just doing it to do it. Almost just because you could say yes. That's me at the moment. I just said "yeah, why not?"

I really don't know why not. It's bizare to say the least. But agreed and confirmed to do things I have. So I will do them and I will see where they lead.

I wonder if there's a greater mind at work when that happens? Meh. What ever...

What ever will be will be? Do I really have any control over "my life".

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