Sunday 17 June 2007


I'm looking forward to riding a scramjet in the near future.

2 hours to fly between London and Australia at mach 10. Sweet.

I'm waiting for the future of travel at such speeds and at the smallest expense, so we can all get about and meet one another. It would be good for the planet.

Don't worry about pollution or extinction either. Give it a hundred to two hundred years and we'll probably be able to recreate almost anything from matter. Put in garbage get out a couple of cars and a pig (that lives and breathes like they should do).

If my blog is still bumming around in the next hundred years or so, mark my words.
We'll have also cured ageing. We wont have to worry about that anymore, if we don't want.

The future will be an interesting place to live in.

Anyway, to the present and the fact I agreed to work a couple of hours this morning. They need an admin person and I'm it.

Bleurgh. I hate work, I really really do. Let me be rich perlease...

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