Monday 18 June 2007

Ahh... rest.

2pm today was the longest moment before more work. It was a nice feeling when I remembered that tomorrow was my day off, really nice. I can wake up tomorrow without my alarm clock.


Really really wonderful. I'll be going to the movies to watch Fantastic 4. Can't wait. I really enjoy my movie times, especially when everyone else is out at work and I have a whole day off. I need it.
Today was a bang my head against a wall day. Although it's also a reminder to look at the positive aspects of things. A bounce off the wall so to speak. It might be a sudden jolt but it sends you along another way.

I've been feeling a bit lazy writing recently, probably my being a bit tired, I've been getting a little less sleep than I need and it does affect me. I'm not into stimulating myself with coffee or anything like that either. I'm a natural person. If I feel tired, I sleep. If I'm hungry, yeah, I eat and so on.

So I've not felt up to the mamouth task of pouring out my insides onto the web page. Perhaps I should. Probably later, when I'm suitably inspired.

Oh, before I forget, i'm trying out Safari for windows. I just downloaded it and have had a brief look into its workings. The silver grey is a bit of a "urrmmhh..." for me, but the rest is tutto buono.

My first impressions are that there are some very straight forward ways to do things. Subtle differences from internet explorer. Which I'll most likely stop using now. I don't really like it at all.

Hmm, I realise just reading that I've painted an inaccurate picture of my circumstances. I only use internet explorer for this blog. As the old blog I use is tied to my original gmail account. In order to distance myself from that, I had to use my back up gmail account. As i couldn't be bothered signing in and out between the two, I used two browsers. Firefox (I love) and internet explorer.
Firefox is excellent and will remain my default browsing experience for some time to come. It's lovely.

So, this for my new secondary browser, soley for the purpose of this blog, will now be Safari. Tip top indeed it is.

Right. I'm off to enjoy the rest of my evening and retire to bed for much needed sleep.
Because I feel like making some of these "Zzz... Zzz..."

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