Friday 27 April 2007

Behind the till.

I spend some of the day, about half usually, behind the till. Serving, smiling and saying "yes sir, no sir, three bags full sir".

As it's London I live in, I meet most people from most parts of the world at most times during the day. Nice in many ways, although I get a little "home sick" at times. Yeah, even though I am home. Bizarre.

A lady came to the till this afternoon, she was Asian in appearance and spoke English well. But I could tell from her accent English wasn't her mother tongue.

"Where are you from?" I asked.

"China." She replied.

I immediately sprang into action.

"Ni hao". I said, she looked quite surprised. "Ni hao ma" I asked (How are you?) scanning her items through the till.

"Well." She said in English. "Do you study Chinese?" She asked as I was getting through her purchases.

"Wo shi yingwen laoshi zai haerbin" I replied (I was an English teacher in Harbin).

"Your accent is very good". She complimented me. "How long were you there for?"

"I was there for a year" I answered, feeling the need to speak in English now as she wasn't speaking in Chinese. I finished packing the bags and told her how much she owed.

"How long have you been back?" She asked looking through her purse for the money.

"Over a year now."

"Your accent is very good. My husband is French, but he has great trouble with the accent. He's been studying a long time, but can't manage it".

I felt pleased that I'd kept it in good stead.

She handed me the money and I her change and said goodbye.


Andrew said...

I really loved your writing in these past few posts Plark! I was captivated by them. Keep up the awesome blogging Mate!

Bob said...

Hehe, your good accent proves that you have language gifts, you should keep on learning chinese...