Sunday 18 March 2007


Another day of my life. Much like the one yesterday and will be much like the one tomorrow. I imagine I have some time to go before things alter again. It's at times like these that I wonder what on earth it is all for.

Not that I'm taking a bleak look into things, in some ways it's very nice. But it does make you wonder.

I get up, do the usual stuff, dream for the usual stuff, want for the usual stuff.

It's not very peaceful. A restless soul it is. I suppose most of it is drawn from physical, corporeal desires. Friendship, affection, love, all these things.

Most of which I feel I am lacking in one way or another.
I think I'm getting back into my old way of optimisticly expecting some miraculous change, without me really doing anything to get it. Which is just a little bit hit and miss really.

I suppose it's my karma.

I wonder what I am paying for through all of this?

A right or a wrong? I really suppose that doesn't matter at all. But I'm hoping, hmm, for a nice something later on. Although I should probably re-word that to say 'I'm working toward something nice later on'.

I need more money, I can make more money. I really just have to get underway with the plans that I made before christmas.


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