Sunday 18 February 2007

Sleepy, yet restful sunday.

I've been to work, done what had needed to be done and am home again. Starting early is the best thing in the whole world.

It was great to leave the shop at 10:50am this morning. Really good.

I'm tired now for having woken up before 6am, but no problem. Soon this will be a regular occurence and my body will adjust to the new timing. Just like jetlag.

In about 40 minutes I'll be off down the road to see my mate and watch 'Hot Fuzz' at long last. I've been paitiently waiting for this movie since 'Shaun of the Dead'. They did a great job then and I'm sure a fantastic job now.

Oh yes and after that I'll be popping into town to meet my friend for food. He's invited a few of us actor types out for a nosh. Looking forward to it.

The best part of the week this is. It's early in the day, I've things to look forward to and hopefully all will go well onward from this point in all things of my life.

Lets have the weeks horoscope, see what's in store for me. Thanks to Jonathan Cainer an excellent astrologer.

Every so often, people decide to publish a paper containing only good news. It sounds like a great idea. We all want cheering up, don't we? There is too much gloom in this world, isn't there? Such enterprises only ever attain limited success. We may all claim to enjoy uplifting, inspiring stories but we have a morbid interest in dismay and disaster - especially when it is happening to someone else and not to us. That is why the world is full of terrible tales - and why we therefore come to assume that encouraging developments must be few and far between in anyone's lives. This week though, your news will be very good indeed.

Phew... Right I'm going to have a wee kip before I nip out again.


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