Monday 19 February 2007


I slept well, I slept long. I needed it. I'm now sat in my very very very very dark blue dressing gown on my black swivel chair.
It's not a very bright day today, it's a little bit cloudy and blurgh. But I'm looking forward to my upcoming holiday and I'm looking forward to shifting workplace closer to home.

My life, hopefully, will be much freer after the 26th.

It's a bit like running a defragmenter on my life, I'm soon to be reorganised into a much more efficient time saving place. Wonderful.

I'm joyfully awaiting all the important benefits I'll gain from this move. I was also lucky, as I've been informed.
I'd walked into the food office in shop and wanted to ask a question to my line managager.
He was there with the big manager of the shop, a decent down to earth bloke.

"Oh, did you know we are losing red robin?" My line manager mentioned.

"No I didn't, are you leaving the company?" He asked.

"No, I'm being transfered closer to home." I replied.

"That was lucky, you usually have to be in the company for six months for that to happen."

Oh, I thought. It was lucky then. I'm keen now to see where it all leads from here.

There is still the little matter of getting used to the change in working environment. But two weeks is all it takes. I'm already used to the things we sell, so it'll be easy to get used to the physical layout of the new shop.

Anyway, I'm thinking about friends this week. My mate's in town from Ireland. So hopefully I'll see him sometime this week. But, that really doesn't matter as I will soon dash off to Ireland for my holiday. I've not seen the old boy for ages.

He also has an xbox 360, so there will be much playing on consol next month. Can't wait.

I miss my xbox, can't believe it died in Italy. But it was the way it had to be I suppose. Although I can afford to by a 360 now though. But I'm still going to wait a little while longer. I need more money first. Which takes time.

I've probably got about 40 years of life left in me I reckon. Not much.
That's only 40 summers and winters.

Not that that's important, today matters, just the present. I'm in no rush to be at any other place in my life right now.

Till later...

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