Thursday 18 January 2007

5 minutes.

That was al it took for me to put my foot into three times.

The first and second ones I could deal with, the third was quite careless on my part.
I was taking some food out from the fridge. We have these trolleys with plastic trays that can be stacked on top of each other. These were stacked high, and as I pulled them out and down the ramp. Crash!

All over the floor.

Me being the clever all inteligent one quickly said "Who the hell stacked these!" To which the immediate reply from the lady who was in the room said "Me, this is my section!"


Woopsy doodle. I made a note to zip my lips during those times...

Although, there was one that wasn't latched properly and it did bend. Although that might have happened after the fall. In any case, I upset the lady. This may or may not come back to bite me in the bottom.

Fortunatley the day went ever so quick. I blinked and it was gone. James agreed in the changing room before we left that it had gone quickly today.

Well, it's 11:49pm and I think I'll get ready for bed.

Night all, buono notte, wan an.

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