Monday 18 December 2006

I was tired.

I woke at 10am this morning. I had a few dreams, just the usual travel / unusal animal combo.

My other little learning of today, in my first 34 minutes of it, is that I really really really must try as hard as I can to work for myself teaching English.

I cannot, CANNOT, bear working this way for a long time. It's killing me slowly softly. Take me back to the nice 2 to 4 hour days, with work spaced nicely during the week. Teaching is so much better.

This is re-newing that initial wish to go it for myself.

Anything wil be better than my current work. Blurgh!

So, I need to start teaching again.

My own set of books, all levels, beginner to advance. My own materials, tonnes of stuff. Simply loads of things, for all levels. Lessons plans. realia, all that stuff, even a few klines and exponents.

London isn't supporting my wish in one way, i.e looking for work, but it may support my wish to go it for myself.

London town, it's my home, I want to know it better, I still wnat to be able to do all that stuff, go places, do things, see London. I feel sure I could mix teaching and going out and doing stuff in London into one thing. Which is something no school here does, well, no, they do. But I want to do it another more in depth way.

Anyway, I need a few material things before I can even do any of this.

A computer = Check.
A printer of my own = erm, not a check, got to buy one.
Books = yep, need to buy them.
Materials = erm, need those too.

Money to buy them with = In process through very dull horrible work that takes away all my day.

So, as you can see, my thrive is alive once more. I want to work independently from others, for myself, by myself.

Because, that's going to give me so much freedom and happiness if I can pull it all off.

I think I should make all this my new years resolution. It's nearly Christmas, which means one thing for me.


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