Monday 18 December 2006

A good day.

I had a good day. Everything more or less fell into place today. So I'm happy.

I spend most of my time thinking about this life I live. The if's and but's, the could have been's and the might be's. I like to think that things have a tendency to work out, that little plans here or there just happen, because they're meant to. This is probably incredibly fanciful thinking. In fact, most likely it is just that.

I have little plans here or there which bring about interesting turns of events. But not much else.

What is the measure of a grand life? A decent one, a warm true heart felt one. Or something like that, my words fail this expression.

That life you think you should be living, that ideal almost.

I don't feel I'm doing that right now. I'm living a life of necessity, I'm only doing what I have to at the moment for the moment. I really only hope that that leads more to what I want to be doing and open a few more doors for me.

There are some things I'm missing from my life that I would really appreciate having now or soon. Getting them however, is an uncertainty. Such is many things, but I suppose we work to overcome them.

Although, from the position that I currently stand, I like the view that stretches out in front of me. I've learned from the last two years or so, that more is possible now should I want. Especially in terms of travel and stuff.

We'll see. I'm tired now, it's quarter past twelve and I want to lay in bed and watch some DVDs.

Night night.

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