Sunday 17 December 2006

Tired, really tired.

I couldn't switch off last night, I lay there on the floor very hot, even with my window open and I couldn't sleep. I reckon it's stress related. My sudden change in circumstances are probably taking a small toll on my mind. It happened a few weeks ago. I got to the point where I put Classic FM on, which happened to play some of the most relaxing music I have heard in a while and before I knew it, I was sound asleep.

But only for 4 hours. I had to wake at 7 to be at the tube station for 7:45am. Not that early, but that was too little sleep.

I also realised today, not long ago, that the job I was doing had an unattached goal to it. No, not good wording. That's not what I mean.

The goal for the shop isn't related to anything I want to achieve. I just want the money. So I only do what is needed to get it, the rest doesn't matter.

Things shouldn't be that way. I don't like it.

But I'm really tired, achy, sore and I want to go to bed. Work again tomorrow and Tuesday, I have one one day off this week. One day to shop and do all the things I can't possibly do now.

Right. Night night.

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