Wednesday, 29 November 2006

Late sleepy.

I got to bed at about 4:30am yesterday. I slept through till ten, or tried to. Having builders rebuilding the sheds outside your window the floor below you isn't easy.


Why did I get to sleep at 4:30am, I was at a friends house. My friend talks a lot and it doesn't stop. One subject quickly and relevantly links in with the proceeding one. Listening to my friend speak is the equivalent of riding a 9 hour long funfair ride "OH MY GAWD! When's it ever gonna stop!!!". However, the walk home at that time of the morning is lovely.

Foxes, stars, peace and quiet, empty streets, the one worded conversation with stranger.

Man walking toward me. "Alright..."

Me walking past. "Heya"

What did it mean and what was it about? For a brief moment I felt a part of something much larger, then I concluded he was probably scared witless walking around in the dark at 4am. Fair enough. I suppose I am fairly scary at that time of the morning, but then, who isn't?

Santa Claus? "Hohoho, I have something for you in my Christmas stocking Little Red Robin."


That would be scary. Big fat man, sack, talk of stockings and deer with red nose, little helper people. Rides around at night popping down chimneys, and what if you don't have a chimney? Break in through the front door, really really fast and just getting faster. More people in the world means more kids need presents, more kids, needs more time. He'd have to be pretty quick.

Anyway, I think I need to sleep more. This no sleeping thing makes me a little bit mad and there is one thing I should really do today. I need to get photos of myself for my employer.

For tomorrow, I am back to work proper. Hopefully with a good nights sleep.

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