Tuesday 28 November 2006

It's still dreary.

I really don't like this time of year sometimes. Namely because in my neck of the woods, it just rains. A lot. All the time. It really doesn't know when to quit.

I have to have my light on in the morning because it is so dull.

I woke up this morning feeling like a brick, but a comfortable brick. Warm and snug.
My mum opened the door and stuck a cup of tea onto my desk this morning as usuall, I got up the second it touched down, wiped some of the crusty bits from my eyes and downed it in one go. It was pretty hot, but not so much to burn myself. Quite nice actually.

I was going to go on one of my rants this morning about the WHO's death and disease predictions for 2030. But instead, I'll be like the big G man upstairs and not say much at all. Because everythings going to pan out like it will. We just make whatever sense of it we want as we go by.

It's all much of a muchness. but now, I'm pretty hungry, so I'm off to have some toast! Maybe even go as far to put chese and tomatoe on it too.

Cor, morning adventure.

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