Tuesday 27 March 2007

My backs getting better.

I'd sat on the couch a little too long the other day. I'd also sat in such a way that was not beneficial for my spine. Hence a week long bad back, thankfully on the mend.

I'm also enjoying my day off. Which means I'll be seeing my friend in a while and I'll be giving her an English lesson. Well, not really a lesson, but a few English language pointers. As her level of English is far beyond what I have taught before. I also hope this gives me the impetus to start doing this a proper now.

She has some language books of her own and I asked her to have a look through them and find the things she has trouble understanding and would like to practice. I need to buy my own teaching books and get some langauge materials together. I'll need to get going because there are many things to cover in English. The more I can get together the better.

On other news, further from all that. I'm very close to buying a games console. Which will I get. Most likely, right now, the 360, I want very much to play fable2 and Halo3. I will probably buy the ps3 later on. It'll still be world class and by then they'll have figured out how to really squeeze all the juice out of it.

Anyway, I'm going to take a bath, or shower. A nice long one. I don't get to do that most days now. Then I might watch a movie and head on to my friends to see her and her bimbi and give her her inglese lesson. Oh yeah, she'll be giving me some Italian lessons too.


Ciao a tutti.

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