Tuesday 27 March 2007

I wanted to find something old.

I was just reading 4th Avenue blues. I've been reading this blog for about 4 years now. It's nice to have an old worn in read so to speak.

I wanted to find a post I'd written in my old blog, but bloggers search thing doesn't work for me at the moment. It gives me a page with a reference code to help them sort it out. But I really can't be bothered to trach the darn thing down and report it.

Anyway, I was reading his blog and I saw this comment "My descriptions of my life and interactions with people are so plain and matter of fact." and I thought, I'd better intervene.

As I said there ''People are there own worst critics. Unless their ego maniacs. I would say, be the breeze Andrew, without thought or consideration of yourself.

People will appreciate it because of the uniqueness of you. What we consider to be right wrong, bad good, is only a consideration. Not fact. It cannot reflect the mulititude and versitility of appreciation and understanding that all life has.

There is no way, at all, ever, to write a thing that will be perfect. It simply attracts those that hum with the same vibration.

Or whatever.

People will get what they want from things, because of who they are.

Don't worry yourself with thoguhts of good or bad. Just write, just be you. You've been endowed with everything you've ever needed.

Same with all people and all animals.''

Every little thing that exists in this universe has it's own space and a time to exist. Every little thing. In this entire universe. Which is pretty big.

Not one thing is like another, I cannot do many things in this world. I cannot think or consider things in the way that you can. Because of this, I will never see the advantages in some sitautions. In fact I'll give myself problems simply because of my own clouded view points. We all do. That's life.

But equally, on the other hand. Because of who I am, because of who you are, we all have a special quality to add to the world. We have a unique perspective because of our lives. Especially for the bad points, or what we conside to be bad points.

Because consideration is only considered. It is a coloured view point of things. If we freed ourselves from our ability to look at who we are and comment apon it, we really could benefit.

An animal will never question it's motives. Well, I'm sure most don't. It simply does a thing. That it's good or bad, is irrelevant to it. But that's when the benefit from things the most.

The real trouble is fear and doubt, if we could let go of that sometimes, and simply express. Benefit would fall ten fold.

A flower is just a flower. It just happens to grow where it does. It didn't choose the spot, it may not be the best spot.

A hundred people pass, a hundred people comment on it. Are two comments the same, maybe, but probably not. Some would say "what a beautiful yellow flower". Others would look and be disgusted by it. "What an ugly shade of yellow" they'd say.

Are either right or worng to say so? No. Of course not, it's only a flower. This is only a post. This is just me. I am being me, I might not be the best me I can be, but that's a consideration. If I asked a thousand people about me, I'd get a thousand answers, some good, some bad.

What does it mean? Nothing.

Things come and things go. What we get from things is what we get from things.

We simply need to let go of worry, doubt, fear. Then we can all truly benefit as life is meant to be lived.


Well, that's my thoughts anyway? Probably a load of nonsense. But that's just my consideration isn't it? Is it even a good one. Heck if I know, in fact I should probably know when to stop.

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