Sunday 11 March 2007

6 days.

I've not posted. I didn't realise. I've tried writing some stuff the last few days, but the air escapes right out of my balloon.

What's been happening to me the last 6 days. Lots of stuff. The predominate thing in my mind at the moment is trying to do all the admin stuff that's been dumped on my lap.

The lady I would usually work with is on holiday next week. Which means, with my two weeks of training, I'll have to do all the admin stuff. It's going to be really hard. It would have been impossible, but she's given me her phone number and said to call her up. She'll give me an over the phone guide as to what to do. The most trouble comes with trying to remember which bits of paperwork to fill out, put where, input on the system, send off to head office and all that stuff.

It's a bit of a headache. Thankfully, it's only one week. Thankfully, she'll be back. Thankfully after this week I might get to have a standard 5 day week and not a 6 day week as I've currently been having. It'll be a month now that I've been doing six day weeks. I should have a few days extra off or a bit of extra money in the bank. So either way, I'm pleased with that. But I'll be more pleased to not have to do all this stuff on my jack jones, with barely enough training to hand to do it all, when the lady gets back.

Well, this week will be tough and it's starting to feel like blerk again and not work. Although I still love finishing at 2pm. Fantastic.

My sleeping patterns have changed now. I wake up at 5:15am without my alarm now, which means I get very sleepy after 8pm. Which has made me realise I will soon be falling asleep when it's still sun up and waking up when it's sun up come mid summer. I wont see a dark sky for ages. Hope it doesn't bother my sleep...

Although I'm tired as a consequence and I'm looking forward to my holidays. I hope I get to keep my holidays that I was supposed to have this month. But, we'll see.

I'm feeling a little bit trapped at the moment, but with new responsibilities come new things to learn. I hope this current hemmed in feeling I have will go as things get back to normal. I'll have earned a damned fine holiday soon enough I think.

I'll have a good long week off up in Ireland. Away from all the hassles of home at the moment.

I'm tired and want to see the back end of this week already.

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