Thursday 1 February 2007


When will you arrive at the best possible moment? When will you have the perfect opportunity? When will you know without doubt, that you are doing the right thing for the right reason in the right way? Never! If you ever do experience such confidence, you should mistrust it. It is probably born of euphoria, not wisdom. Always, there will be an argument in favour and an argument against. Always, there will be an element of risk. Today's risk, though, is one that is worth taking.

I hope so.

Thank you Jonathan Cainer. That's as spot on as can be.
I really have to do what I have to do.

I didn't sleep too well last night. I hope I sleep better this time round. Although I had some weird dreams and a wake you up shocking scary dream, which involved me stepping on the back of a womens shoe.

Can't imagine why that would prove to be scary, but that's the subconscious for you I 'spose.

Right, bed time...

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