Tuesday 12 December 2006

To work, or not to work?

I am feeling much better. A good 50% better, I could work now, my sinus is a little blocked, but not that bad, I still feel that fluy feeling, although I could manage. But, I really want to stay at home, I would have tomorrow off at any rate so I'd be back to work on Thursday.

However, if I do, a couple of things may happen,

It could be considered a breach of contract. I might pay through the nose for that.

Nothing might happen.

If I work today they might ask me to come in on Wednesday and that will mean a 7 day week for me.

In any case, it's only 11 working days untill Christmas. Just 11. I'd have Christmas day and boxing day off. If I don't go back to work right now I'll have 9 days off.

I've still got to face that meeting about the work joke from the other day and explain slash protect myself from someone elses chip on the shoulder. As my large Irish mate said, if you'd have been there a year, nothing would have happened. It's because you're the new guy. Then a wrote a few obsenitys. All that made me feel much better.

Working as an English teacher has ruined me, or perhaps, I'm just unhappy about doing work I don't like doing. Which is a perfectly reasonable thing.

I've got an hour and a half to decide. Not long.

Life. I dunno...

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