Tuesday 24 July 2007

Pipe Tobacco.

I've read this gentlemens blog for a few years now, it was one of my first that I discovered when I originally started blogging. Or rather, he discovered me and invited me over to read. Which I did and have been doing ever since.

I just read his most recent post and it had me nodding my head in complete understanding.

"I find myself now, without a goal, without a purpose." Is something he wrote and I really feel that myself.

I can understand why so many people now, who have apparently achieved so much in their life can suddenly, I'll pick my words carefully, lack a feeling for anything anymore. The reason, the impetus is gone.

There is no answer to the question "why?" As I wrote of in an earlier post of mine.

The fulfilment of the goals set and then the accomplishment steels the wind from our sails. When you've fulfilled all purposes, what other point is there?

Like he says, he can do "scuba diving, or sky diving, but why? To what purpose?" I nod my head with empathy.

Without an answer, life is like a game you see no point in playing. You can pick up the cards and particpate, but it's hollow, false, simply going through the motions. Without a reason, without something to accomplish it can be very hard.

I take a little comfort knowing that I am not alone in this. Though I do wish that no one would have to be in this state.

I do hope, that soon, a reason for me and those who need one, will make it's way back into our lives.

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