Friday 29 June 2007


I'm knackered. Really really knackered.

I have started going to the gym again. Yipee! It's a really nice one not two minutes walk from my workplace. I'm looking forward to going for a swim at some point as well.
Looking after my physical well being is good. I'm pleased to be back on this horse again.

Anyway, I've been invited out to a friends birthday party. Which means a restaurant and food. (I'm starved after the gym. I've already eaten a little something, just to stave off the hunger pangs)
Although I'm flippin tired, as I've already mentioned. So am simply vegetating in front of my computer screen before I need to go out again. Puff wheez.

Although give the gym another two weeks and my fitness should start to improve somewhat, so I wont sit around sapped of all but my typey finger strength.
I've been having bad sleep recently too, so this sunday and tuesday coming will be vegatating days. I'm not going to do anything. Nothing. Just rest, eat and sleep. That'll do.

I'm already looking forward to bed this evening. Just gotta get the dinner out of the way though.

Right ho, I'll leave that there. I'm knackered.

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