Tuesday 1 May 2007

Fat finger.

That's what I call her at the moment anyway. She's only 17 but works with us at the shop. She sounds like the very typical 17 year old, a bit sarky, but I think that's just the hormones interefering with her normal body chemistry. She wants to be a beauty therapist at somepoint down the line and has no interest in travel at the moment.

I call her fat finger because she got it caught in a door the other day. Yeah, owch. She lost (for those of you who are squeemish don't read on) her entire finger nail within.

So she had to go to the hospital naturally.

Me, the 'White Russian' and 'G' were sat round the table for lunch break yesterday she came in ready to start work at 12am. I saw the bandage and said "Hi fat finger, wonder how long that bandage will stay white?" Being that the shop is a bit dirty and you can get quite dirty hands handling money all day.

"Dunno..." She replied examining it a little more closely.

G pipped up at the moment "D'ya think you'll get a hairy finger?"

"What?" She responded her attention moved away from the bandage to G.

"Ya know, when I broke my ankle, I had a cast on for months, when I took it off, my leg was so hairy. Big black dark hairs."

We all just looked at each other.

"It's true innit?" He beconed on.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the fact that I am balding quite a bit now, I said "Perhaps I should wrap some round my head"

They laughed.

Can't keep a bald bloke down I say.

1 comment:

Andrew said...


I just love this new direction your writing has taken on your blog. I read via your RSS feed and love to get a new story. Is it okay if I do a write up about you and post it to my blog? Let's get you up some more readers!

Jonathon Andrew