Thursday 12 July 2007

Working it through.

That's how it feels for me at the moment, I'm digesting something large and heavy. It's being worked through the guts of my mind. I've been bubbling and churning things over for a few days and I probably have a few more to go.
Fortunately I can enjoy a weekend off this week. So, tomorrow is my last day of work for the week.


Which means I can put all my mental digestiveness aside for a short while and focus on something else.

You know, I've written about this a few times before, but I feel like doing so again. I'm definitely getting older. I really notice it now. The things some of the "slightly" younger people around me say are starting to sound really immature.

My 22 year old boss is a complete n*b. Utterly totally. He has the maturity of a 4 year old. Some of the things he says to me are just so ridiculous. I cannot imagine why he would say them.
He's obviously done the work to get to his position, but there's no maturity. He isn't an adult.

I wouldn't even call myself an adult, and I'm tipping the scales at 30 years now. I'm very much aware of my short comings and all the troubles around me. In fact, I find myself much more watchful of my surroundings. Rather than mouthing off about this or that. Although I probably do that a lot in this blog. Hmm... Anyway.

I'm more settled in myself, I don't expect to me things from life external. I just sit and take it as it happens.

Maybe that's just lethargy, although my words could be interpreted in many ways.

You can tell I've been thinking a lot. I really don't have much of a sound board for my thoughts, other than here. So, best used.

I can't imagine all that's in store for me in the next thirty years of my life, even if I live that long.
I knew I didn't know what my life would hold in store and I still don't. Best, I think.

Me, older and wiser? Probably older and more quietly observent. That's the way I'm going I think.

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