Thursday 19 July 2007

Cloudy days.

You ever wonder if life chucks a load of crap your way because you're needed to do something else. Be a little different than you are now.

That the form you hold is insuficient for what the time requires.

I'm contemplating a big change for me. Something well within my means to aquire, but it will mean certain restrictions placed apn me. Finanacially I'd be a little worse off than now. I wouldn't be able to save all I could. There's also hidden uncertainties, which I wont find out about until I actually do it. If I do it. I'm merely entertaining thoughts at the moment.

Pluses would be numerous. There might be draw backs unknown to my mind at present. It would mean my current plan goes to poop really, or at least is delayed somewhat. But, as I reacll, I live in the now. Not then. I'm never in then. So I suppose, I should live with the now, rather than borrowed time (if that's what you call it) and do something now. With what's at hand.

It would, on a positive, open up many things that I am unable. or at least, feel unable to do right now. I could relax and be myself and not have to worry about all the crap that surrounds me in this place.

It's a big change. Which, I've learnt over the few short years in my life, generally mean new things happen. Some good, some not so good. But in the end, it's all good experience. And experience is what it's all about.

So I'm mulling this one over for a little bit. I'll speak to a few people I know about it. See what they think.

But, it's probably a good idea. I'll just have to let go of my preconceived notions about what I think 'should be'. Because I really do not know. Not at all.

Cloudy days, they may yet give way to a bit more sunshine. In fact, they usually do.

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