Tuesday 5 June 2007

The five year old in me.

Is very excited today. I caught some new clips from the Transformers movie, out in less than 30 days, I'm buzzing.

I like the way I can still get excited about simple things. It very much reminds me I'm alive and well. I never want to get old. Much like the mate I'm going to see in Ireland tomorrow. Yay! Holiday...

I just read my horoscope from Jonathan Cainer. It seems to reflect this well.

We all struggle to be sensible. We all strive to be safe. Yet we all aspire to be inspiring. How are we supposed to find reason in a clearly crazy world full of glaring inconsistencies. Or experience security on a planet that we have arrived on suddenly, without explanation. And from which, in theory at least, we could suddenly depart at any moment. If we are not here to enjoy the colour, the atmosphere and the silliness of it all, What have we come for? Worry less. Enjoy yourself more today.


Realistically, there's not much for me to enjoy. But, there are still things I can enjoy. By George I will. Dunno who George is, or why 'by him', but there you go.

I feel like someone without a specific sense expecting it to apparate on him. Suddenly wake up and see. Even though the realities might be a little different.

But I still have my faith.
Everything is change, I'm sure the human race is due for a sluffing of the old skin soon.

Anyway, my plan for today.

Get my bag ready for tomorrow, I'll finish work come home and change and head off to the airport. My flight leaves at about 8pm. I'm really looking forward to seeing my friend again and getting to play xbox.

Thankfully, with xbox live and the current trends showing themselves it looks soon that we'll be able to participate in online story mode, rather than just team battles, together either though we're not in the same room.

We might get to play Halo3 the way we played Halo2 together when he lived up the road from me. Those were good days. I'm looking forward to having some more of those soon...

The five year old in me is buzzing deep within. Glee...

Simple pleasures...


SpringMist said...

Have a great trip!
(I didnt know robins fly on planes,lol)

Did u know tht annoying kid frm tv show "Even Stevens" is in Transformers?

Red Robin. said...

Cheers madam.

I'm unfamiliar with the kid from Even stevens, although I'll google it and find out.

Bless the internet.

Yeah. we do catch the plane from time to time, it saves our little wings...

All the best.