Friday, 2 February 2007

Did it.

My chance presented itself, I kinda stood there for a bit thinking, I'm not seizing it, then I did. That was that, and, as usual, it wasn't quite as large and scary as I imagined the process to be.

So, I found out that it was actually ever so simple. I can even ask for a transfer myself, just call the place I'm interested in and hey presto. Provided they have vacancies of course. But the lady I asked said she would ask on my behalf. Very nice of her.

So I'll let that happen and then get round to asking on my own accord. So I might have a little bit of running around to do. But, all in good time. Another click round the cog in the clock of my life.

I'm looking forward to being able to get on with my life. If, of course, life itself is willing. There may or may not exist said opportunities out there. But, I'm sometimes a very lucky guy. Sometimes...

No replacement for hard work though.

Night, I'm going to bed. Tired, sleepy...

Thursday, 1 February 2007


When will you arrive at the best possible moment? When will you have the perfect opportunity? When will you know without doubt, that you are doing the right thing for the right reason in the right way? Never! If you ever do experience such confidence, you should mistrust it. It is probably born of euphoria, not wisdom. Always, there will be an argument in favour and an argument against. Always, there will be an element of risk. Today's risk, though, is one that is worth taking.

I hope so.

Thank you Jonathan Cainer. That's as spot on as can be.
I really have to do what I have to do.

I didn't sleep too well last night. I hope I sleep better this time round. Although I had some weird dreams and a wake you up shocking scary dream, which involved me stepping on the back of a womens shoe.

Can't imagine why that would prove to be scary, but that's the subconscious for you I 'spose.

Right, bed time...

Wednesday, 31 January 2007

Putting things off.

What's spurned me to write just before I go to bed from a very nice "all day to myself day" is my horoscope from Jonathan Cainer.

I've been thinking this everyday for two months pretty much. I've been whailing about not working closer to home. Namely so I can work earlier and save myself two hours in each day and 80 quid per month.

Here's the horoscope, it was the first thing which sprung to mind. I think I've got to be firstly, fair with myself and secondly, f**k off what I may think anyone else thinks. This is only my life. No one elses.

They say we should save for a rainy day but what if that rainy day never comes? What if there is an endless drought? What if the sun beats down relentlessly upon us? What if we are obliged to spend the whole of the rest of our lives just lazing in the deck-chair of opulence? What use will our investment be then? I am, of course, being facetious. But only slightly so. You are now putting off something that you really ought to bring forward. Waiting won't actually help anyone or anything.

Perhaps I should, rather than wait. It may well be I have to wait a while anyhow and will only have to wait all the longer to be transfered if I put off asking the question.

No harm in it.

Well, I'd better be clear how to ask them and to whom I should speak too.

I doubt I'll ever fully lose my sense of guilt as to what others think and how I feel I should behave according to that. Which is crazy. Because a, I don't know and b, it robs from everyone by presuming. That cannot be doing anyone any favours. Especially me at the moment. Regardless of being right or wrong.

I think I've got a bullet to bite tomorrow.

At least it means I'm doing something about my situation now, rather than letting things carry on as they are.

Right, good night/very early morning.

Tuesday, 30 January 2007

Another one.

Sorry, but I just love this stuff.

I also think the music from Nine Inch Nails goes very well with this animation.

What an incredibly long way to chuck a digital camera on wheels. I appreciate the vastness of the achievement and the little glimpse of our soon to be other future home. Personally I'm looking forward to seeing if we'll build on asteroids and start mining colonies on them.
The power in technology we will all soon have at our fingertips will allow us to do so much more, achieve so much more.

This is a great time to be alive.

Anyway, it all takes time. Fortunately, there's all the time in the universe. So no hurry then...

Monday, 29 January 2007

Mars Rover.

Because I love all this high tech stuff.

Right, now I need to get ready for blerk. Chat later...

Sunday, 28 January 2007

The future.

It's the only destination I've ever been headed too. The only one I've longed to see and am seeing on the way. I often wondered what my life would be like in 2000 I think lots of us did. I know now, what it was like and how much has changed. I remember writing down the new years, during the 80's, in my school books imagining what the year would hold.

I could never had foreseen all the things that would happen to me. Never had known the places I'd travel to, the challenges I'd over come, how much I would change.

As much as I sit here now, that is pretty much all still true, this new year is still very young, I wonder a lot about the future. I read all the new scientific developments, electronic devices getting smaller, the very real possibility of being able to travel to outer space. All these things.

I feel in pace with my life, I feel that I'm going as I'm meant to. That all that needs to happen will happen for me. Even during the surprises.

I'm excited, I still have my childlike enthusiasm, I've never lost it, I never want to. It keeps me young. It keeps me going, it's what has held me up my whole life. I've taken the time to nurture it and let it grow within me.

Change is the only eternal constant. I have no idea what this is all about, but I look forward to finding out one day. Maybe it's all just some simulation in some computer game being played away in another time and place. Who can say?

So, I wonder what tomorrow brings, what next week brings, what next month will bring. I cannot wait to find out.
I do feel that sometimes I'm just going round in circles, but like I said last time, at least I'm being loaded up with more and more information round each pass. Although, where before, I often had a hard time of it, or things never seemed to go right for me. I've got to keep my chin up. This time is different, this year is different. I don't know if you feel that too. But this one feels good. I wonder if that's a common thought?

Anyway, I'm just mumbling on again, my little bit of hopefull wanderlust.

I want a good future. I will make it that way.