Thursday, 5 July 2007

I'm back from the gym.

I have finished eating a very nice afternoon meal. Consisting of Avacado, chicken, a couple bagels and houmous. Washed down with a nice cup of tea, it is indeed a splendid way to wrap up an afternoon.


My folks are driving me up the wall at the moment, in fact they've been doing it for years. Saying one thing and doing another.

An example. I asked my dad yonks ago about a specific computer that I wanted to buy. He knows a lot about computers. He just shot down my idea then and there. Said it wasn't worth it.

A while later, a lot later, my dad tellls me about te computer my youngest brother has bought. Guess which one it was? The one I asked him about.

What did my dad have to say about it. Only good things. He couldn't have spoken more highly about. Hang on a minute, wasn't that the same one I asked you about I thought to myself.

Indeed it was. One of many glaring irks with me old man.

Now me muver.

She demands and asks that everything be tidy, however, it's cluttered with all her stuff. I leave no mess lying around. Everything of mine, bar xbox and a few plants, are in my room. Well out of the way.
She has tonnes of stuff all over the place, but is quite happy to ignore it all. Even though it gets in the way. She has a blind spot to it.

Right, that's as much of a rant I'm going to allow myself. I am very cross with my parents and I've never felt or been allowed to expres myself to them. They just fire it back and claim the parental tower of rightness to their cause. Even though that has nothing to do with it.

I'm getting very close to wanting to find my own place. However, rent at home is much cheaper than else where. I will have to put up with their flaws a little while longer.

Blimey they make me so cross. I'm fuming inside.

Wednesday, 4 July 2007

I've got to get this off my chest before I head off.

It's not out over here in London untill the 27th of this month.

ARGH! I'm gonna explode.

I want to see the Transformers movie.

I doubt myself.

Sometimes I do. I wonder if my direction I'm going is the one I should be going on. Although if I were to give myself or another person advice on the subject it would probably be around the lines of "don't worry, no one cannot not be doing what they're meant to be doing, such a thing would seem silly to me".

Birds have wings, they fly, I have legs I walk and run. It's normal, you've got what you have, whether brain or body, it enables you to do what you do.

Seems obvious really.

Although that would encompass all the positives and the negatives. Such is life.

I hate picking myself to bits, I think I'm the kind of person who needs a good hundred years of living before I can vanquish most of these negatives from my person. However, I'm probably only going to make it to around my mid seventies.
So, another 40 to 45 more summers and winters to get myself ship shape as they say.

Just 45 summers left on planet earth. Not a lot really.

All that asside, gym is going well. It's a little bit easier than it was and I leave it feeling energised afterwards. It's all good and I'm looking forward to tomorrow. It should also boost those healthy optimistic brain chemicals as exercise is a good way to treat depression and feeling low.

Did I mention I changed my hours? I'll be working every other weekend, which means getting the other off. So I can actually do things on the weekend as opposed to just having a day off to fart about

WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO THE REST OF MY POST?!?!?! I published it and it's been half eaten by something!!!

I'd finished on a happy note. Bum. Flippin, whatever it was. Darn gremlins in the machine. Oh foof. I can't be bovered to type it all again.

Here's the brief version.

Change hours. Work weekend, one off. Make whole day extra pay. (Thanks sunday) Sundays pay for gym. Gym make me feel good. Happy happy. Lots of money. Doing stuff.

So make more of good things in my life and something something.

Oh, I hate it when technology goes Pffft!

Tuesday, 3 July 2007

Horoscope, for tomorrow before bed.

Things don't always fall perfectly into place. Opportunities don't always line up just as we want them to. The 'flow' has a way of flowing away from us, just when we are getting used to being in it. But, then, just as tides come in and go back out again, so changes will change again if only you can bring yourself to wait long enough. Something left your life some while ago. You miss it, but you doubt it will ever return. Guess what. It is on its way back. And as it arrives, much will start to work out perfectly.

Hmm, I wonder what that may refer to. My thoughts wander along a pre-wondered path, but life happens as it happens.

But then, I will remind myself I am in control of my life, to some extent.

Anyway, night night...


The earliest showing times I can find for the transformers movie is on the 15th all the way up in Gateshead, North England.

Then it shows from the 27th onward in London as far as I can garner running around the web.
Another 24 day wait for me.

I think I might explode.

Monday, 2 July 2007

Writing mood.

It's on vacation.

Probably because I'm quite tired (5:15am starts take it out of me) and would like to head to bed soon. It's about 8pm and the weather's gone to heck. Rain, wind and heavy dark grey overcast clouds. Bleurgh.
Although it's my day off tomorrow. So I don't care.


1 day 9 hours 55 minutes 25 seconds untill the Transformers movie comes out. (Accurate when I wrote this)

I remember when that said 90 days.

Time does fly. I like it when stuff I like happens. It's nice. I cannot wait!!!