Monday, 5 March 2007

Getting on with it.

Slowly slowly I'm getting there, I keep getting told I'm much better than those before me. That one of the last guys to be trained in the admin sat there with his head in his hands for half an hour. Not something I've done.

So the lady who's teaching me all I need to know is saying that my work is going well. Which is nice, even if it doesn't feel that way for me. But then I'm a virgo and I rarely feel that way anyway.

Also, completely unrealted to anything I've been writing about. The next time I buy a laptop or desktop, i'm going to wipe this machine and try out some different operating systems. I think i'm getting ready to try out some new stuff. I quite like the look of Ubuntu.

However, I am a novice at doing this stuff. So I'll definitly have to wait before I do anything to this machine. I need a new one before. I could afford it at the moment, but I'm sitting on my cash and I want to invest my money. So I can make much more.

I need it.

I'm also waiting for the cost of the x-box to drop. I heard rumours on the rumour mill... I need something to unwind with in the afternoon.

Anyway. I'm flippin tired. Really tired. These early mornings are heck! Although my sleeping pattern is starting to shift. No worries and after this month, people will be back from holiday and I wont have to be pulling 6 day weeks plus extra hours per day. I'm doing three days of ten hours this week. As one of the section coordinators asked me "Are you mad?" "Yeah.." was my reply.

So, next time it comes up. I think I'm entitled to say no.

Anyway. Food, dvd, sleep. I think that'll round off my day nicely.
