Friday, 22 December 2006

The district line.

A horrible nasty thing between me and work. A nasty bogee coloured thing it is.

Twice yesterday it caused me great upset. Yesterday morning on my happy chirpy way into work the district line suddenly had a change of heart, the train wasn't going to go to Wimbledon, the end of the line. No, it was going to terminate the stop before the one I usually get off. So I had to run. Run like the wind, with freezing fog. Grumble.

Next, NEXT, on the way home. The district line suddenly decides to have complete signal failure at one of the stops between me and earls court. So it took, just over one whole hour to travel what should have been 12 to 15 minutes normally. I left work at 10pm and got home at 12 midnight.

I hate. I repeat, HATE the stinking district line. I hope it goes to hell, right after I finish needing it of course.

Please whatever god runs the underground, please please please, can you make it so I get to work on time pretty much everytime from now on and home again safe and sound.

Well, according to the tfl website all is well down that way at the moment. Please remain so.

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