Thursday, 7 December 2006


What a long day. I wish I could switch my body clock round to the 1 to 9pm work pattern. Because by the time I et home, I feel like I've used up all my day.

I also feel really tired. Especially after 90 dozen customers and a 180 dozen questions and five till mistakes. In fact a few more, but those are things I just don't do right.

Although, I love the people there. All good shows, nice bunch, friendly and fun. I just wish they hadn't sat me in the evening though. I really really wish they hadn't done that. It makes me a little bit crazy in my heady.

Now I can't finish till 9:15pm as well, which gets me home a little later. Apparently someone had made an error in the something or other, and it wasn't done as meant to be done.

Why am I putting myself through this again? Oh yeah, I have plans.
which require money, which I should have a lot of in a couple of months, provided I keep money spending down. Then I can shake off the shackles of my "evil do bad guys". (I had a nice grown up word but my brain just went fizzle pop bang)

My typing's very lax today. Probably because I've been working hard and am weary now. I wish I'd finish at 2pm like that guy I spoke to today at the till. I'd only been at work an hour and he was already going home. Lucky lucky lucky...

Anyway, I'm working tomorrow and Saturday and by the jammy gods, got out of work on Sunday. To much much frowning and tutting from the higher up staff.

"If you'd have missed one more Sunday, that would be it" As she put it, looking at me with her beady eyes.

Anyway, I'm out for that day, a little breather before a six day week, for as long as the job lasts I imagine. But maybe not so much after x-mas. I really should as more questions. I'm a just go with what happens kind of guy.

Anyway. I'm going to enjoy the last snippet of my evening and play some computer games.


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